Associazione Valentia

Lucia Renati presenta il libro “La lista delle cose semplici”, edito da Sperling & Kupfer

Lo scorso 9 Aprile si è svolta in modalità telematica, tramite i canali social de l’Associazione “Valentia”, un interessante incontro culturale, moderato dalla Prof.ssa Vania Continanza, docente di latino e greco del liceo classico “Michele Morelli” di Vibo Valentia. Ospite della serata è stata Lucia Renati, giornalista professionista d’origine romagnola, autrice del libro “La lista […]

Caridad to serve ready-to-eat meals to children at three library branches

What is global health? It’s a big year for global health so ONE is going to be talking about it a lot. But before we jump into the nitty gritty statistics or the importance of getting funding for the world’s most innovative partnerships, let’s talk about what global health actually is! Global health is about […]

We are committed to feeding children impacted by the coronavirus pandemic

What is global health? It’s a big year for global health so ONE is going to be talking about it a lot. But before we jump into the nitty gritty statistics or the importance of getting funding for the world’s most innovative partnerships, let’s talk about what global health actually is! Global health is about […]

COVID-19 Causes A Sharp Rise In Deaths Of NYC Homeless

How you can help You can designate funds to an emergency response, make an unrestricted annual gift or recommend recurring payments to a special appeal. Another option is to support programs that meet your interests, such as maternal and newborn health, early childhood education, gender equality, child rights and more. A donor-advised fund allows you […]

Coalition for the Homeless Statement on 2020 Annual Report

How you can help You can designate funds to an emergency response, make an unrestricted annual gift or recommend recurring payments to a special appeal. Another option is to support programs that meet your interests, such as maternal and newborn health, early childhood education, gender equality, child rights and more. A donor-advised fund allows you […]

Associazione Valentia incontra l’eurodeputata Moretti: focus su donne, disoccupazione giovanile e Recovery Fund

Martedì 23 febbraio si è svolta in modalità telematica, tramite i canali social de l’Associazione Valentia, un interessante incontro culturale, moderato dalla Dott.ssa Valentina Fusca, segretaria nazionale dell’Associazione Valentia, con ospite l’Europarlamentare del gruppo dell’Alleanza Progressista di Socialisti e Democratici al Parlamento Europeo, ON. Alessandra Moretti. Dopo i saluti e i ringraziamenti iniziali, la segretaria […]